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Top 5 Tips to Enjoy the Moment

“Slow down…enjoy the moment…” is what I’ve been telling myself lately. I’ve found myself trying to rush through finishing tasks and trying to work on the next thing to get them done faster instead of savoring the feeling of accomplishment.

I feel this is what society today has been pushing instead of being more present and in the moment of our lives. Instead we as a society honor the idea of being “busy” as a “badge of honor”, if I’m not busy then I’m “lazy”. I’ve been caught up in that trap, so much that I’ve found myself losing weight, more stressed than I’ve ever been in my life, and burnt out. I am still recovering from being burnt out and am slowly unwinding myself from that way of life. That was never the way I wanted to live but pressures of a certain job made me believe and ingrained that mindset into my life.

I realized that wasn’t the way I wanted to live the rest of my life. I wanted to be more intentional on how I spend my time.

These are the 5 top tips I’ve been using to help me slow down and be in the present:

  1. Take more breaks and stretch. Doing so will not only give your body some needed rest but when you do rest, you’re able to get back into the task and work longer. I recommend taking at least 5-15 minutes break every couple of hours. You can even switch tasks but stepping away is best. I know it’s hard to get away but even closing your eyes and not staring at the screen will help if you work a desk job. You can even stretch at your desk.
  2. Go for a walk and take deep breaths. In conjunction with the break, take time to walk around and get your blood flowing and more oxygen to your brain, especially if you slouch or hunch over you desk like I do. During lunch or during your designated breaks take a stroll, outside would be great if the weather is nice. This is great for you body and mind. All the more better if you’re able to get a complete workout during lunch. I know not everyone is able but getting your body moving is the key.
  3. Listen to something that inspires and motivates you. Be it music, YouTube videos,or lately my favorite, podcasts. Finding something that sets your soul on fire and encourages your passions is one of the best ways to enjoy being in the moment. It breaks you out of the standard daily grind. Helps makes the work more tolerable and encourages you to pursue your passions. The excitement alone is worth doing things that make you happy.
  4. Gratitude and let go of your anxieties. Remember the things you’re grateful for in your life. Small things, big things. Sometimes we get so caught up in the worries of life that we forget we have so much to be thankful for. Too often we realize things far too late when we lose it. Time with family and friends. Watching little ones grow up. Yes, sometimes we have to make trade offs but are you trading off the right items joyous life? Do you know what your priorities are? Are they what they should be?
  5. Create. Something. Anything. Journal, sketch, write a jingle. Do something that excites you. Get those creative juices flowing. Nothing slows you down than sitting down and creating something out of nothing. The act of creation slows you down so that not only do you have to think slower, but your actions are typically more deliberate instead of rushed.

Instead of racing around, I’m trying to appreciate each moment. Of course, I’m not perfect and the feeling still comes and goes but these are a few things that help me keep a balanced life. I’m still recovering from burnt out but I do feel tons better than a year ago. Each day gets better but still I have a ways to go.

How do you guys slow down and enjoy the moment? Share you tips in the comments below!

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