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Tag: thoughts

2012 Sketch Dump + Wake Up Call

Life has been a bit off and on lately with comics/writing. Some days I get extremely motivated, and some days I don’t feel like doing anything at all. I’ve been trying to get myself to write or sketch a little everyday but things usually get in the way. Still I’m finally getting wisps of inspiration to get stuff done! I was planning on taking some classes online for Summer Semester but I ended up dropping them. Mostly because I couldn’t see spending money on books I probably won’t use again and thought I could learn from books instead. The classes…

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Books to Comics and Books to Movies

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how so many books/comics are being turned into movies. With the growth of technology, it’s no wonder the movie industry is taking advantage of the situation. The popular book to movie adaptations such as Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Jurassic Park, and yes, Twilight all have a huge fan following. Furthermore, popular comic to movie adaptions are X-Men, Spiderman, and The Avengers also have a huge fan base. The movie industry uses that to their advantage by building a hype which could generate more box office sales. I’m not saying this is bad. Actually…

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Making Time for Comics

How have you guys been scheduling time for comics? Well I guess I should mention that I work by stages or phases. I do story/script, thumbnails, blue pencils, ink, bubbles, then tone all separately. I don’t finish page at a time and post it online since that doesn’t seem to work easily for me. I like to do everything at once so I can get a feel of the flow and fix things as I go instead of realizing I made a mistake and go back to fix it after I already finished a page. One of my biggest problems…


Creative Locations

I’m sure you all have a certain spot where you are the most creative or get the best ideas. May it be it in the shower, in the car, or on a walk. Maybe it in a coffee place or a library away from home. The places I seem to get my best ideas are when I’m in bed, in a car, or taking a shower. Well normally any place I can daydream or stare off is when I can focus my thoughts on creating ideas usually for my stories. My favorite place is right before bed. However, I’m too…


The Start of my Comic/Manga Obsession

(Sorry for the late post. I had it all typed out and I meant to schedule it for Friday but forgot…>_<;;) Becca, the author of a great and useful comic blog I follow ( had asked several good questions on Twitter. She asked webcomic friends: How’d you get inspired, how was your start, how have you kept it going? Well I thought those were some great questions and thought I’d share with you all how I became addicted attached to comics/manga. 🙂 My Start How I first came across manga-styled art was actually when I was younger and watched cartoons.…

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Story Predictability

I’ve been thinking about stories and how predictable they can be. I know a lot of you are creators/comic artists/writers, and if you’ve done your studying on creating a good story you would know the basics of a good story structure. Then based on that certain structure a writer could create good stories and plots. Good story-tellers follow them and great story-tellers follow and break them. Lately I’ve found that I can predict some, not all, story plots in movies or TV shows. There are a few well told stories where I’m pleasantly surprised by the ending. That just increases…

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24 Hour Comic Day Lessons Learned

Haha, I know this is way behind but this is the closest I’ve been to finishing a comic. 😀 I know it was supposed to be done in 24 hours but I wanted to complete it anyways even if it’s several months later. XD I’m almost done, just need to do a few more pages of backgrounds and cleaning up then tone it. It’s a relief to be almost done since I now want to work on other more serious comic stories I wanted to do. Although the story is a bit random and incomplete I’m still happy to have…

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Importance of Support Groups

This is unfortunately a subject where I’m lacking. I’m kind of used to doing things solo, I mean, I can work in a group too but I always thought of comic-making as a solo thing. That is, unless you’re collaborating with a partner or building a comic in an assembly line(pencils, ink, color, lettering etc). There isn’t a wrong or right way to do it, but during those moments of despair or frustration, a support group would be great to turn to in those times of need. Support groups are those who help give honest critique of your work and…

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The Start of the Book Obsession

My current sketchbooks that I desperately want to finish but only about half way completed. I figure some of you would like an introduction to why I started this blog. If not, feel free to skip it. XD With graduation behind me I began to wonder what I should do with my life. Since I love the manga story-telling style, I decided to try to work on my own webcomic which is why I established this blog. It was mainly to help me track my progress as slow as it might be to help motivate me and for the public…

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Can Pen/Paper and Keyboard/Technology Coexist?

In my opinion, yes. There seems to be a slight divide of pen users who seem to prefer writing in longhand but there are others who just as prefer to type it all out on a computer. Perhaps it’s the period in their lives when they learned to write or type which makes them prefer one over the other but I see the advantages in both. In my elementary and middle school days almost everything was hand written. At the time I thought it was normal to have to write everything all out. My handwriting was legible but it got…

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