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How I’m attacking revisions – Bite-By-Bite

Revisions Update

I know I haven’t blogged about my story progress in awhile. If you follow me on social media you’ve probably seen me chat about it more so if you want to follow me more closely visit me there too and say hi! Let me know if you’re in a similar stage and we can help encourage and support each other!

I’ve been working on revisions off and on lately (for far too long than I care to admit) for my latest #WIP which I still haven’t thought of a good replacement title yet. Almost to the point where I want to quit it and work on something else but the stubborn part of me wants to finish and push through. I know I will keep going but I can’t say this journey has been easy.

Since this is my first full length novel I’m still learning my process and trying to enjoy the journey as I go. That said, I think beginning revisions may be my least favorite part of the writing journey. I know authors are a weird bunch and have different preferences. I’ve discovered outlining and drafting seem to be my favorite parts. I think my next favorite is finally reading the book as a reader instead of a writer. I can’t wait to get to that stage! lol

Part of my struggle is because I’m not sure how to solve the character and story issues Betas Readers have told me and that I’ve personally spotted. Worse, is that I see it snowballing into needing more revisions so I’m also afraid of all that work. It’s overwhelming seeing all the things I need to change but trying not to let it affect me. There are many points where I have to constantly remind myself to take it one step at a time. I still know it’s a story worth telling and it’s only going to get better the longer and more often I work on it so until then I’m going to try to work on it bite-by-bite until it’s done.

That said, I still think it’ll take me longer than I want to finish and polish this story till it’s ready for the next round of beta readers. If you’re interested, I’m still looking for Beta Readers and Critque Partners so find out more info here! It’s not ideal but I rather take my time and provide my readers an amazing reading experience than pump out adequate books. I want my readers to feel stunned after being so immersed in my stories. Like they have gotten off a huge emotional roller coaster or dove into my worlds so deep that when they surface to reality they will be forever changed. To me, that is one of the best feelings in the word as a reader.

How am I doing this? Good question!

How I’m attacking revisions

  • Index cards – I’m turning towards a more tactile method and using index cards to help with the revisions. I’ve outlined the big scenes on the index cards to help for revisions. I know that it’s going to need reworked and I’ll have to add or remove scenes so this will help.
  • Free-writing or hashing it out with CPs – Since I don’t really have any consistent CPs yet I’ve been turning to free-writing where I just journal my thoughts on paper. I don’t hold myself back and let all my ideas fall through. It’s surprising the gems I found by just thinking on paper. I realized the notes started to get messy so I’ve resorted to using highlighter pens to highlight the good ideas from my blocks of text and easier to read and spot out.
  • Sticky notes – I don’t know why I’ve avoided using physical materials. I have everything I need but didn’t know how to use them effectively for revisions which is funny because now I have a good reason to use them. lol After I gathered a few good ideas I compiled them into sticky notes and stick them on the pages of my notebook. This helped me sort out the ideas and where they are when I need to reference them.
  • Revisions Game Plan list – My next step is to compile a list of revisions based on my ideas on the sticky notes. Then figure out how to add it to my existing story using the index cards above. For now seeing it on the cards is helpful and distraction-free. I’ll translate the information onto my digital outline once they are fleshed out. I feel like I’ll do this after each stage of revisions. Ideally I’d like to have everything or most of it figured out when I translate it over because I’ll actually be able to finally dig in and revise my manuscript.

Those are all the steps I have set for revisions! Now this is still a work in progress as I’m still figuring out how I best revise and edit. I will most likely do this in layers but may combine certain things like world building and plot together or character growth and clan culture since they are similar enough to work together. I’m still obviously figuring it out.

What are your tips for revisions and edits? I’d love to hear them! Definitely open to any way I can improve my strategies or efficiency in my work.

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