Often we take our health for granted. As I type this, I’m sick with a head cold. Runny nose, congestion, and a bit of a cough. Thank goodness that’s all I have. I’ve had worse but I’ve been fortunate enough to not get sick too often but often enough that when I do get sick, it’s a wake up call. It’s my reminder that you can’t do well in life if you don’t take care of yourself first.
Instead I’ve been fighting my body trying to recover faster so I could work on different tasks on my to-do list. This cold snuck up on me, I had off and on symptoms during the week but they increased on Saturday and knocked me out the rest of the weekend. I’m tempted to take a sick day from work as well. Today I had hoped to be at least 80%-90% back to normal but I’d say I’m closer to 60%. Again, it reminds me that I need to take it slow and allow my body and mind to rest.
- Exercise – By moving a little every day it helps boost your energy levels and immune system! Just 30 minutes a day will help. Walking with a friend or listening to a podcast can help speed that time along faster. Just get your heart rate up enough to break a sweat!
- Eat a balanced diet – This ensures your body has all the nutrients it needs to not only function but to give it the energy to fight off any illnesses. Yes it can take more work to prepare, but not only will you eat less processed foods, your body will thank you for providing more digestible foods. More greens and colored fruits and veggies. It but only keeps your body full but gives it the nutrients you need.
- Sleep – This is my favorite. I love to sleep, but this allows your body to recharge and rejuvenate for the next day. I’m pretty sure most of you love this too. Now I need like 9-10 hours of sleep despite what the average is of 7-8 hours. Find how many hours your body needs and strive for that. Listen to your body. You’ll know what you need.
- Wash your hands – Now I can be a bit of a germaphobe sometimes but apparently not enough since I still got sick. Lol Don’t get lazy about washing your hands before you eat. Also avoid touching your face if you haven’t washed your hands. Also be courteous if you’re sick. Cough or sneeze into your elbows to prevent getting others sick.
- Rest and destress – While I know we’re all trying to hustle and achieve our dreams and goals. We need to remember that it’s normal to take time to slow down and rest. Watch some Netflix or read a good book. We need that destressing time to let go of any anxieties and that will not only allow you to feel good but boost your immune system too.
Since we had a 3 day weekend thanks to Martin Luther King day and his dreams, I had hoped to take advantage of the extra day off. Instead I’m resting and I’m encouraged by the change in the world since MLK has walked with us but I know there are too many of us who are full of ignorance and there are still many things we can do to improve this world and help each other. Here are some of my favorite MLK quotes:
- Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.
- If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.
- Darkness cannot drive out darkness: Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that.
- Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
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