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Tag: selfcare

Top 5 Tips to Showing up

Sometimes the hardest part is showing up and getting the motivation to chase your dreams. Part of the difficulty is to overcome the fear of going after your dreams. We fear of failing, of letting others down, or even fear of success. Those fears might come to fruition. We could let ourselves down, but we won’t know this until we try. We can not predict the future and as amazing it would be to do that, the only thing we can do is move forward for ourselves. I’ve heard this before and I’m not taking credit but it stuck with…


Life skills I wished I knew before becoming an adult

As I get older I realize this list is only going to get longer but I think this would be good to share for those inquisitive and proactive enough to search for this type of information on their own before or just as they turn adults. Heck, even if you’re way into your adult years, it’s never too late to learn these skills. I wished I had researched this earlier in my life but I definitely took it for granted thinking that college would teach me these skills. That’s a laugh. Nope, they won’t teach you. You’re going to have…


Consistency and Follow Through Tips

Consistency and follow through are the key to your dreams and goals. I continue to struggle with completing projects and pushing through perfectionism. I’ve finally made a break through this weekend with my novel WIP. It took a few months but it feels amazing but then I don’t know what to do next. That’s ok, it’s a normal part of the process but a struggle nonetheless. I’ve recently realized that it’s consistency, grit, and perseverance that makes dreams come true. Because if you don’t continually chip away at your goals, even if it’s a little at a time, you’ll never…


Ignite Your Motivations

There’s nothing like a great book that gets me motivated to write and revise again but I’ve been in a rut with revisions lately. After and during reading an inspired book, it ignites my passion to create a world as amazing as the story I’m reading. I know that it’s easier said that done. Although, there are times I read an average or not-so-great book and it still urges me to write better. There’s something about reading a book that motivates me to create my own world and story. It gives me an incentive to keep writing and to tell…

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Play over Pefectionism

I’ve been overthinking a lot of things for the last few years that I forget that part of creativity is playing, getting messy, and having fun. Play activates the part of the the brain to learn in the flow state.In the flow state I learn new techniques or something I never knew before. I’m tired of acting like a robot and want to learn from my mistakes because the more mistakes I make, the more I will grow.That said, I still want to strive to better myself but I think I’m stressing myself out for no good reason. There’s more…

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Growth Mindset

In between the cracks of my daily life, I’m making time to grow in my skills and have a better life. I’m fortunate that I don’t have huge responsibilities where they must be a priority but I do have standard responsibilities. I want to keep improving myself and keep learning. We are all forever works in progress. I’m going to get a bit vulnerable with you guys. I’ve never had high self esteem or confidence in myself. Often times I’m the one on the sidelines hiding from attention, the wallflower during a party, or the nearly invisible person during the…


Don’t Forget to Rest

I find myself too caught up with the race that is life. Keep forgetting that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. I’ve been unnecessarily stressing myself out so that I don’t take the time to sit and be present in life. I’m busy decompressing from the day once I get home and am working on this problem. As you know I’ve been busy with revisions for my YA Fantasy debut novel but I got stuck in the past few weeks. My brain turned to mush and I couldn’t think of what to do next. All I knew is that it…

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Top 5 Tips to Prevent Getting Sick

Often we take our health for granted. As I type this, I’m sick with a head cold. Runny nose, congestion, and a bit of a cough. Thank goodness that’s all I have. I’ve had worse but I’ve been fortunate enough to not get sick too often but often enough that when I do get sick, it’s a wake up call. It’s my reminder that you can’t do well in life if you don’t take care of yourself first. Instead I’ve been fighting my body trying to recover faster so I could work on different tasks on my to-do list. This…

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Top 5 Tips to Enjoy the Moment

“Slow down…enjoy the moment…” is what I’ve been telling myself lately. I’ve found myself trying to rush through finishing tasks and trying to work on the next thing to get them done faster instead of savoring the feeling of accomplishment. I feel this is what society today has been pushing instead of being more present and in the moment of our lives. Instead we as a society honor the idea of being “busy” as a “badge of honor”, if I’m not busy then I’m “lazy”. I’ve been caught up in that trap, so much that I’ve found myself losing weight,…

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