Been slacking a bit this past weekend due to Ohayocon. It was pretty cool. I was not at all able to keep up on writing for Janowrimo which I’m not too surprised as I fell behind awhile ago. I have been able to get some journals/sketch pages in but I’m still behind on those too. Need to catch up on that. Gotta do those daily! So I got to see some old friends and meet some new ones at Ohayocon! As you know I wasn’t as eager to attend this con this year so was debating whether or not to…
1 CommentAisazia Creations Blog Posts
I won a free Basic Scholar Planner from! I was really lucky to win a couple of planners but this one I gave to my Mom. 🙂 In the first picture I was comparing it to my Quo Vadis Space 24 Planner and actually it could fit the cover as a refill if I wanted which is extremely nice but could stand on it’s own with a fairly thick cover. As you can see it is fairly eco-friendly with 88% of it made from recycled materials and made in the USA. Here is a close up of the nice…
Leave a CommentI haven’t been very good at deciding what blog posts to write as of lately. I’ve been meaning to write blog posts ahead of time but I’ve been working on other things. For instance, I’ve been able to do some beta book reviews although I was a bit late on the deadlines. Still managed to get that done and a few other library books I’ve been meaning to read. Still haven’t really made a dent in the pile of books I’ve wanted to read. I will be able to get to more of those eventually. XD I’ve also not been…
Leave a CommentSo I was about to erase my dry erase board before I decided to take a picture which is why there is a white space where a line should be between Monday and Tuesday. XD Sorry about that. haha My first Nanowrimo was a failure for 2012. I was attempting to write my version of Beauty and the Beast called Wildly Charming. I’ve been procrastinating on this post for far too long. I should have wrote this blog post right after the event. haha It wasn’t a complete failure though since I was able to get to 12,477 words. I…
2 CommentsSorry guys, I had meant to write a more profound blog post but I just haven’t had the time and looks like I won’t have any time until after the New Year. 🙁 So here I am throwing out another sketch dump. I honestly didn’t expect to be this busy the later half of my break. The first couple of days were so leisurely but I was still working. I’ll probably will be able to get more work done after the new year. Been falling behind on my sketch page a day challenge. I need to make up 3 pages.…
Leave a CommentSketches I had to do for my 3D modeling homework at school. These sketches were all copied from Bridgman’s Complete Guide to Drawing from Life. It’s interesting to learn to draw from it. Hopefully it improves my anatomy. XD Sorry, wasn’t able to get a good blog post this week so you get mostly sketches! I’ve been able to start comicking again which is great. Slowly but surely. I’m hoping to be able to get a lot of work done over the break if possible. Comic or novel. Either would be great. 😉 Oh I bought myself a bunch of…
Leave a CommentHey artist friends! Ever want you own “Artistic License”? Well jump on over to Brenda Swenson: 75 Day Sketch Challenge. Here you can get your own Artistic License with your own photo. It’ll look something like this (image from It’s a real solid plastic license, not just an image that you’ll see online. lol The only rule is that you can only use pen to sketch which I kind of already do but I’m just inconsistent on how often I sketch. I’m going to try to kick it up a notch and sketch 75 pages not just the number…
Leave a CommentI promised a review in the last post and a review you shall have! Ok, it is now near the end of the year so it’s fitting to do a review on the Quo Vadis Exacompta Space 24 Calendar I won in a giveaway last year! I’ve been using it nearly every day in the past year and it’s looking pretty good with the cover. Just a note: These photos were taken part way through 2012 while I was using it. This paper wrap dictated the information of the journal and pretty much sums up the planner. It was wrapped…
5 CommentsSketches I had to do for my 3D modeling homework at school. These sketches were all copied from Bridgman’s Complete Guide to Drawing from Life. It’s interesting to learn to draw from it. Hopefully it improves my anatomy. XD Wow, it’s December already! Did that year go by fast or what?! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday! I ate a lot but mostly it was a good quiet holiday with family. 🙂 Well I definitely didn’t get what I had wanted done at all. Still I have a month left to get my butt into gear. Today…
Leave a CommentSketches I had to do for my 3D modeling homework at school. These sketches were all copied from Bridgman’s Complete Guide to Drawing from Life. It’s interesting to learn to draw from it. Hopefully it improves my anatomy. XD I hope you guys aren’t getting sick of my homework sketch dumps. I have a bunch more. ^^;; I’ve been falling behind on Nanowrimo which is bad but the good news is that I’m developing some good ideas for the novel! Unfortunately it’s not heading the way I wanted to in the story. Still need to brain storm some more but…
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