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Ohayocon 2013 + Homework Sketch Dump 12

Been slacking a bit this past weekend due to Ohayocon. It was pretty cool. I was not at all able to keep up on writing for Janowrimo which I’m not too surprised as I fell behind awhile ago. I have been able to get some journals/sketch pages in but I’m still behind on those too. Need to catch up on that. Gotta do those daily!

So I got to see some old friends and meet some new ones at Ohayocon! As you know I wasn’t as eager to attend this con this year so was debating whether or not to attend next year. I’m probably not going to so I can have a break as I’m either getting old or just not having as much fun to see the worth of the cost going there. The only reason I would go is to see my friends and check out the Artist Alley. I don’t really buy from the Dealer’s room at all. Still it was fun and interesting, just not worth the merit of going again as I’ve gone for the last few years and things don’t seem to change too much.

Friday was good, met up with some friends and hung out with them. I scouted the AA and the Dealer’s room but decided to wait on buying anything. Saturday, was busier, I hung out with more friends and bought some stuff. 😀 It was tiring as I was walking around all day and hardly sat down. lol I guess I was pretty excited then so I didn’t want to stop. I ended up missing a grand prize (the guy after me got it instead) on this spinning raffle thing in the Dealer’s room which sucked. lol I was a bit disappointed but it was fun. Got to meet a lot of cool artists this day so it was worth it. I went to an improv panel which was fun and a ghost story panel which was interesting…lol Sunday, I debated on going or not but decided to since I had already paid and thought I’d say bye to my friends since I don’t see them often. It was worth it but I actually had to sit down at various points to rest and there wasn’t as much to do then. I was pretty tired, I got less sleep than I normally do during the weekend so it was an interesting change. Glad I got Monday off for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. 🙂

Took my friends to the Airport on Monday instead of sleeping in. haha I didn’t mind, all the ladies were super sweet and it was a pleasure. Took them to the local mall and I’m glad they had fun even though I was tired and had 2 cups of coffee in about 4 hours. lol I thought about drinking some more but decided against it, my body was already tensed with sugar and caffeine. lol Though once I dropped them off I crashed at home. Surprisingly I didn’t hit the bed right after, instead I got on the computer (I was internet deprived) and caught up on my feeds. haha I’m such a dork. Anyways, I went to bed a bit early but not as early as I thought I would but I guess I really wanted to stay online. haha

Sorry, I know this isn’t really a progress post but it is a bit related to my art. Just seeing all the great art and talking to the creators at the con had inspired me to start cracking down on myself again. Making friends with similar interests really helped me feel more creatively ready to work again. I do need people to hold me accountable, I really should get myself to do work but that only takes one so far. lol A push or a nudge every once in awhile does it for me. I just need to get out of my comfort zone. haha

Now the art dump below!

Sketches I had to do for my 3D modeling homework at school. These sketches were all copied from Bridgman’s Complete Guide to Drawing from Life. It’s interesting to learn to draw from it. Hopefully it improves my anatomy. XD

One Comment

  1. Heya found your blog on Deviantart. Im glad to hear that you had a fun time at Ohayocon, and yeah Ohayocon requires a LOT of walking especially if you want to see everything. Good exercise though =p.
    I didn't go to Ohayocon this year for similar reasons u stated about perhaps not attending the con next year. The con is amazing but it isn't cheap, especially when u r planning on buying art as well. I hardly visit the Dealers room, I spend most of my time lounging around and buying art in the Artist Alley. The thing I miss about attending the con is how inspired you feel after attending it. I guess exposure to a lot of talent and creativity is good for your own creativity =]
    You drew some nice anatomy sketches. I like how you broke apart different body parts into blocks, it makes it a bit easier to understand how a body is put together. I need to practice anatomy too, its one of my new years resolutions. Youre already doing very well with the anatomy studies, can't wait to see more of your sketches.

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