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Aisazia Creations Blog Posts

Review: Spicebox Master Collection

Whoo, so I meant to write a review for this Spicebox Master Collection notebook a long time ago but I forgot. Since then I’ve long since finished this and another notebook before getting this blog post done. Whoops! Ok, I bought notebook from my local Half Price Bookstore in which I had a coupon for either 40% or 50% off which made this notebook a steal. To be honest I wasn’t completely in love with the cover of the notebook at first but I really wanted to try it because of the dip fountain pen design on the cover wrap.…

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Homework Sketch Dump 14 + Life Updates

Ugh so I’ve been slacking on my blog lately for no good reason except I’m lazy and don’t feel like it. Also I forget sometimes, sorry about that. XD Anyways, I’ve been trying to get healthier so I’ve been exercising so it’s been good but tiring. The thing is that I’ve been super tired and don’t feel like doing anything afterwards except taking naps. I’m hoping that I’ll get more energy as I get back into shape. lol In addition to that I’ve been slacking my sketches and any other projects I had planned to do which is getting unacceptable.…

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Review: Shoplet Featuring Officemate Products

Another round of great office supplies from Shoplet Promotional Products to try out! This time it features Officemate products! This review was a little tougher to do for me since I don’t use these type of products everyday but I definitely could get used to using them everyday. 🙂 The items to review include: Officemate Portable Dry Erase Clipboard Case OIC83382 Officemate Recycled Rotary Organizer OIC26255 First up is the Officemate Portable Dry Erase Clipboard Case. I was super excited to give this a try since I’ve been looking for a storage clipboard for personal uses. I wanted to be able to take my…

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Alternative Frugal Traveler’s Notebook Pt 1: Cover + Sketchbook Binding

I’ve been wanting a traveler’s notebook for awhile but couldn’t see myself paying so much for a leather wrapped notebook yet. In addition to the high prices of the traveler’s notebook is that I did not care for the large long sizes of the notebooks and I think the 3×5 pocket sizes were a bit too small for me. Instead of making one which I’ve seen many talented people do I decided to see if I could scavenge one instead. 😀 Of course my intentions and qualities I’m looking for in a sketchbook/cover would be different from yours and the…

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Sick + Sketch Dump

Sorry guys, I haven’t gotten around to finishing my blog posts for book binding so you’re going to have to wait for another week. It’ll be worth it, I promise! I’ve almost finished with my submission to an anthology. I just need to do a cover. Have to brainstorm some ideas for that. Otherwise, I’ve just been trying to tone the one shot comic I’ve been working on. Still need to work on inking some other pages for another comic I was wanting to do but that looks unlikely for now. Need to get an outline done so I can…


Review: Shoplet featuring BIC Products

I was graciously granted these products from Shoplet to review. When I got the pack I was super eager to try them out! The items to review include: BIC Atlantis Ballpoint Retractable Pen BIC for Her Retractable Ballpoint Pen BIC Velocity Roller Ball Retractable Gel Pen BIC Mark-it Grip Permanent Marker Set BIC Wite-Out EZ Correct Correction Tape I was surprised at all the goodies I received to review. I thought it was going to be one item so of course I was like a child on Christmas morning when I opened everything! I was so glad to have the BIC Atlantis to…

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Homework Sketch Dump 13 + Crafty Time

More sketches from my homework. This is a bit late but I had to throw out something since I’ve been slacking on these posts among other things. I suppose I was in a crafty mood over the weekend since I was able to make 2 sketchbooks using the Coptic stitch which sort of fit into this leather wallet I found at the thrift store to make into a little travel book. XD It was actually kind of fun! I didn’t do anything else I was supposed to do which is bad but at least I did that since I’ve been…

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Review: Rhodia Weekly Notebook Calendar

Ok this will be the last calendar review I’ll do for awhile. I won this great calendar at and have decided to keep it for lists and other notes since I already have a calendar I want to use for this year. I love Rhodia’s paper so this calendar was not a let down in quality. This is a nice cover, very much like the Moleskine. I prefer the inconspicuous black versus the bright orange, just my opinion but the orange is nice too. The cover is what I describe as a semi-hard cover. It bends slightly but it’s…

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Finished Sketchbook + 2011 Sketches

Ok, so I meant to have a more substantial post this past week but before I knew it, it was already Tuesday so you guys get a sketch post! I also meant to write up something during the weekend but I got distracted….>_<;; I know, bad excuse. Anyways, still trying to get back into the swing of things. I was able to focus and on getting a tiny bit of inking for Citlali’s story and some toning for Eilam’s story. I also was able to write a bit of Blindfolded Love but nothing all remarkable considering the time I had…

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