This is a bit delayed but I did my first IG live! It was spontaneous, imperfect, but done! I’ve been wanting to do an IG live for awhile but didn’t have the right set up. I still don’t. You can tell if you watch the video. Still progress is better than nothing. Instead of pointing out my flaws, which trust me, I see plenty of them. It’s easy to point out the many things I see wrong but instead I’m going to talk about how proud I am to have done it!
The sketches are real and authentic. Practice makes perfect. You can see all my sketches in all its flawed glory but they bring me one step closer to near perfection (because let’s face it, nothing and no one is perfect). They are done in ballpoint pen so mistakes are not easy to correct but they are brave marks.
I got a decent camera angle and I hope that my viewers are able to see most of the process. The audio is great! I didn’t know how well it would come across. I’m practicing drawing and talking at the same time which I don’t normally do.
I’m thrilled I have something up to share! It’s scary and I was nervous posting. In fact, I almost deleted it right after I went live. But I thought it wouldn’t show my realistic process and progress so I pushed through and did not delete it. I already know there is much improvement needed. I appreciate all your support!

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