I’ve been overthinking a lot of things for the last few years that I forget that part of creativity is playing, getting messy, and having fun. Play activates the part of the the brain to learn in the flow state.In the flow state I learn new techniques or something I never knew before.
I’m tired of acting like a robot and want to learn from my mistakes because the more mistakes I make, the more I will grow.That said, I still want to strive to better myself but I think I’m stressing myself out for no good reason. There’s more to life than perfectionism.
Too often I get overly critical about the work I do or worse, I don’t try at all because of that fear. I feel like the situations in my life are of God teaching me to overcome these hurdles.
I will still continue to get over this perfectionism because I know it doesn’t exist. I need to remember that the people who expect this of me are not perfect either. They are far from it too.
It’s a unrealistic standard that no one should have to live up to in their lives. Just do the best you can with what you have should be the goal. It’s taken me too long to realize this.
That said, I’m going to try to challenge myself to do more imperfect sketches. I’ve not been good at posting my art even though I’ve been sketching off an on these days. This also goes for my writing, just do my best and go with the flow.

What are your thoughts about this? Do you also have problems starting because of your perfectionism or fear? Let me know! How do you overcome these issues?
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