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Aisazia Creations Blog Posts

Books to Comics and Books to Movies

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how so many books/comics are being turned into movies. With the growth of technology, it’s no wonder the movie industry is taking advantage of the situation. The popular book to movie adaptations such as Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Jurassic Park, and yes, Twilight all have a huge fan following. Furthermore, popular comic to movie adaptions are X-Men, Spiderman, and The Avengers also have a huge fan base. The movie industry uses that to their advantage by building a hype which could generate more box office sales. I’m not saying this is bad. Actually…

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Review: Shoplet Featuring House of Doolittle Calendars

The great people of Shoplet Office Supplies allowed me to review a couple of products thanks to their Product Review program. I was pleasantly surprised when these two items showed up on my doorstep. I was ecstatic because I needed a new calendar for next year. This just saved me all that trouble. With the new calendars I hope to be much more organized next year. The two products I received are House of Doolittle Two-Color Monthly Desk Pad Calendar with Large Notes Section and Wirebound Weekly/Monthly Planner. Below are the two items stacked on top of each other. The Desk Pad…

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How to choose a Sketchbook

So you want to know how to choose a sketchbook? Good for you! The guide below is based on my personal experiences when choosing a sketchbook. The first step is to decide what type of sketchbook you want! Note: I do have some affiliate links below, it doesn’t charge you extra if you purchase anything from the links but it does help support me if you want to help support me! Thank you! Size They can come in small (approx. 3×5 inches), medium (approx. 5×8 inches), or large (approx. 9×12 inches or larger). I would pick it up from your local…

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Progress: Eilam’s Side Story

Here are some illegible thumbnails I drew for Eilam’s side story. If you know where to look you can find the script to read it. I’ll let you find it since I still have to finish the comic and don’t want to totally spoil you guys. LAME HINT: It’s on one of my accounts. ;D If you can figure what I drew here, congrats! You get a gluten-free cookie! lol J/k Really it’s pretty illegible and I don’t know how many of you can decipher it. Let me know if you can! I’d really like to know what you think…

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24 Hour Comic Brainstorm 2011

Heyo! Sorry for missing a post last week but I was able to get something up on Saturday which I hope you’ll check out. Apparently this CampNanoWriMo is really throwing me off. I’ve been trying to get this novel idea written down and trying to keep up with it so I’ve been slacking on everything else. lol It’s harder than I thought it would be to write this. Next time I think I’ll need a tighter outline. The outline I wrote for this story is really loose and then I keep adding more new complex elements which I’m not sure…

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Lion Drawing

Sorry guys, for not having the post done on time. Got distracted and things came up. >_<;;  Today you’re just getting a lion drawing I did for my mom for her retiring boss. She works for a school and the lion is their mascot. She asked me to draw it, I was hesitant at first since I haven’t really drawn animals in awhile but it surprisingly turned out better than I thought. I referenced some images online.  Forgot to erase the pencil marks before I took the pictures but you get the idea. It was drawn with a shimmery silver marker but…

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Monthly Sketch Giveaway – #4 Aug 2012

It’s August’s Monthly Sketch Giveaway! The giveaways will start the first Friday of the month and will end the last Friday of the month. July’s Winner:  Azizah Asgarali (Dang guys, you need to step it up! Azizah’s kicking your butts. XD Don’t forget you can tweet daily!) Winner have already been notified. If you didn’t receive an email please let me know. (Note to previous winners: I had planned on getting sketches done monthly but July and August turned out to be busy months for me. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten you. I’m just going to be a bit slow. I…


Review: Iwako Elephant Eraser

Today’s review is the adorable Iwako Elephant Eraser that the gracious JetPens randomly selected me to review. When I first opened the package I was surprised because I didn’t expect this! I haven’t really used an eraser in awhile (if you follow my blog you’d know I usually sketch with pens) let alone an animal shaped eraser. It’s so unexpectedly funny. XD This Elephant appears to be part of a Iwako Zoo Novelty Eraser Set. At first glance I thought it was a koala because of the big nose. XD The actual Elephant nose was hidden behind the body. lol…


A Blast From The Past – Sketch Dump

Another blast from the past! Sorry wasn’t able to come up with a good post so have an old sketch dump! Please don’t mind the ugliness and all the head shots for the first two images! I think these are dated in 2006 or 2007. XD It was before I started dating my images which was around 2008. XD These are another group of really old sketches of my characters. lol I still need to work on my consistency and proportions. XD It’s is also about when I started forcing myself to sketch with pen. Just throwing this up here…

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Making Time for Comics

How have you guys been scheduling time for comics? Well I guess I should mention that I work by stages or phases. I do story/script, thumbnails, blue pencils, ink, bubbles, then tone all separately. I don’t finish page at a time and post it online since that doesn’t seem to work easily for me. I like to do everything at once so I can get a feel of the flow and fix things as I go instead of realizing I made a mistake and go back to fix it after I already finished a page. One of my biggest problems…