Sorry guys, can’t seem to focus anymore these days. Still working on crunch time with con month coming up so I want to get new prints going. I wanted to do buttons but that’s still up in the air. Doubt I’ll have enough time to do it, plus I need the machine. Anyone have a used Tecre 1.5 inch button maker they are willing to sell me for a discount? Any extra button supplies would be a bonus! 😀 For now I’ll just have new stickers, prints, and hopefully a little sketchbook. 😀 Oh I’ve been doing Campnanowrimo this month…
Leave a CommentAisazia Creations Blog Posts
Sorry for the late post but things have been a bit busy. Not going to say much, will probably say more on Friday. Enjoy! Sketches I had to do for my 3D modeling homework at school. These sketches were all copied from Bridgman’s Complete Guide to Drawing from Life. It’s interesting to learn to draw from it. Hopefully it improves my anatomy. XD
Leave a CommentFriends, would you guys be interested in a self-published sketchbook from me? It would be a small and cheap 20 paged book. If so, what kind of sketches would you like to see? Would you like it if I wrote little blurbs on the sides or just leave it as sketch images? Been trying to do more sketching and watercolors but lately I’ve been trying to work on my novel for Junowrimo. I got to about 35k before I decided to stop because I ran out of material and had no idea where my story was going. It’s been a…
Leave a CommentThis is a quick review of the great supplies I won from Nattosoup’s great giveaway! I’m so sorry! I totally meant to do a review on the items a loooooonggg time ago but I wanted to test the items thoroughly and they each probably deserve their own review which I will do later except for the erasers. XD It came in this cute translucent pencil case. It’s a durable plastic case (I’m not sure what brand it is, looks like French on the back lol). Winning it was like the lottery to me! XD Front Back Here is my experimentation…
Leave a CommentMore old sketches where I wished that I had dated them. XD Most are old but some of them are dated. lol I’ve update the comment system with Disqus so that it’ll be easier for you guys to post and for me to reply. I’m sorry I don’t reply to you guys even though I want to but it’s hard to do it through blogger so I usually try to reply through Twitter or some other means. lol I don’t think you guys mind. Still it’s a bother so I installed this so hopefully this makes it much easier for…
Leave a CommentWow, sorry guys, I keep falling behind on my weekly posts! >_<;; I have to work on that. The first dated sketch in this post was in 2008 but I think these started in 2006 or 2007 before I thought to learn to date my work. haha I regret it now since it would have been good to see when I started them. I’m the type that takes forever to get through a sketchbook so if you’re like me and you’re reading this now and you don’t date your work, do it now, you’ll be happy that you did later…
Leave a CommentHey all! I know I normally try to do art or office products review but I thought I’d give this jacket review a try since one can never have enough jackets when going to cons, right? ^_~ This promotional product jacket was provided courtesy of Shoplet and Ash City to review. This jacket is the Ladies’ Core 365 and I chose the Classic Navy color in Medium. It has a waterproof shell which I love because where I live it could be bright and shiny in the morning then be pouring rain in the afternoon. It’s seam-sealed so I don’t have…
Leave a CommentLife has been a bit off and on lately with comics/writing. Some days I get extremely motivated, and some days I don’t feel like doing anything at all. I’ve been trying to get myself to write or sketch a little everyday but things usually get in the way. Still I’m finally getting wisps of inspiration to get stuff done! I was planning on taking some classes online for Summer Semester but I ended up dropping them. Mostly because I couldn’t see spending money on books I probably won’t use again and thought I could learn from books instead. The classes…
Leave a Comment(image from This week I got another great office supplies and promotional product from Shoplet! It’s the SteelMaster Tablet Stand! I was a bit on the fence on whether I wanted to review this product or not because the primary use seemed to be for tablets and as I do not own a tablet I couldn’t quite justify reviewing one. Then I realized I could offer some other ideas and uses for this product and convinced myself to review it! Yay for talking myself into reviewing this! This is the SteelMaster Tablet Stand as you can see it is…
Leave a CommentSorry guys, no good excuse for not having any blog posts up besides I forgot and haven’t been able to get myself to do them. ^^;; I’ll be tabling at Otakon and Matsuricon this year! I’m surprised I got in at Otakon but I am super excited! I’m going to need to create new stuff! What would you guys like to see? I’ll be attempting to make some mini-comics or stand alone comics to sell. I’ll see if I can do some buttons and stickers as well. So far, I’m trying to get more prints so let me know what…
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