Still pushing on through Nanowrimo! Hang in there if you’re with me in the trenches! We can over come the second week hump! Sketches I had to do for my 3D modeling homework at school. These sketches were all copied from Bridgman’s Complete Guide to Drawing from Life. It’s interesting to learn to draw from it. Hopefully it improves my anatomy. XD
Leave a CommentAisazia Creations Blog Posts
Man, November crept up on me. I had planned on getting a lot of reading done before the start of November. I specially wanted to knock off a few books off the list of ARCs I have. They are supposed to be done for my book review blog. I’m still working on those but I think it might be time to invest in an e-reader. It’s harder to read when I’m on the computer but I still personally prefer reading in the printed book format. Whoot! So Nanowrimo starts today! I’ll be using the Reverse Nanowrimo Method where I write…
Leave a CommentI know I don’t usually review personal hygiene products but I had to give this stuff a try since Winter is coming and I get notoriously dry skin during that time. Usually I get office products from Shoplet to review but this time around I got an option to try Medline items instead which is an interesting but pleasant change. Cleansing Foam Nourishing Moisturizer Hydrating Moisturizer Flushable Wipes First off, the Cleansing Foam is very gentle and nice for a no-rinse foam. I’ve not really used any other no-rinse foam formulas so I don’t have much experience but I do…
Leave a CommentSorry guys, been busy these last few weeks. I had a birthday (Oct. 14) and things just kept coming up so I’ve been delaying writing any posts then BAM it’s a couple weeks later. Thought I should try to get this out here even though it’s not much. 🙂 I’d love to have a better excuse but I don’t. *hangs head in shame* I haven’t even been able to sketch as much as I wanted to lately. I was able to pick up pen and paper today. I still have been journaling daily which is good. I have been reading…
Leave a CommentHey guys! Welp it’s the end of September and I’m finally getting some inspiration ideas for my story for Nanowrimo 2013 in November. I am finding that I’m merging story ideas which is interesting but I still need to write a good outline but I’m working on it. Any of you guys attempting it this year? Let me know! We can be buddies! 😀
Leave a CommentWell, I’ve been busier than I would have liked these last few days. Wasn’t able to get any posts written lately. Anyways, finally on to the Con reports, I’m just cutting down to the important parts as I don’t have time to write about everything. I should have been better prepared before the cons because I was still rushing to get things done the week before them. lol Otakon 2013 Otakon was a lot of fun and super humid! I was sweating like a pig when dragging my stuff up to and back from the convention center. I even had…
Leave a CommentHey guys! Sorry for the lack of posts the last few weeks. If you’ve been following my twitter you’d already know I’ve been a bit busy with Otakon last week and am currently at Matsuricon as this is posted. 😀 I’ll be in the Artist Alley at Matsuricon this weekend with a bunch of friends so please come by and say hi if you’re going to be there! I need to work on scheduling posts ahead of time. XD I’ve been in a reading, writing, and bookbinding mood lately. I’ve been sketching off and on when I can get a…
Leave a CommentI’m alive! Ok I suppose I didn’t mention that I went skydiving this past Sunday. It was part of a huge vacation weekend I had with my family. That sort of explains why I didn’t have a post last week. Although in hindsight I could have scheduled one but I was too busy. >_<;; Sorry guys! Anyways skydiving was a blast! I went to Cedar Point with my brother and hiking the next day. Needless to say I was tired and wasn’t in the mood to write a blog post when I got home. I had a good time but…
Leave a Comment(Click image make it bigger) I’ll have an Artist Alley Table at Otakon this year! I’ll be sharing with my good friend Kagar at E-llusion Studio! If you happen to be going please check out my stuff! It will be my second Otakon but my first time having a table there so I’ll be nervous but please don’t let that stop you from stopping by and saying hi! I’ll be selling prints, stickers, bookmarks, blank notebooks with my design, and commissions. If possible I’d like to do mini-comics, sketchbooks, and buttons. 😀 For now you can also buy stuff at…
Leave a CommentCalling all book lovers and readers! I will be participating in the bi-annual Book Blogger Fair this month on my other blog OriginiquEquanimity! It’ll start Monday, July 22 and I’ll be posting new posts everyday! It will include guest posts from different authors to book reviews from me so please take a look at those if you’re interested! 😀 If you’re a regular reader I’d love to recommend checking out all these great authors and the books they have to offer. They have a diverse-genre group so I’m sure you’ll be able to find at least one book that…
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