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Review: Shoplet Featuring Fellowes Laminator

I hit the jackpot with this review. I’ve always wanted to try using a small laminator and I got the chance to do that with Shoplet today!
The product:

We’ll start with the appearance. The cover material is made of some sort of plastic and I think it’s fairly durable as long as you don’t drop it. I really like the slim line appearance. It makes it easier to store while you’re not using it. It’s boxy but sleek and you can’t go wrong with a neutral silver and black color scheme. It’s also not too heavy, I’d guess about 5 pounds.

It comes with a laminating starter kit with 10 sleeves of 3mm pouches to start with for your laminating projects.

I feel like laminating with it for the first time was easy and straight forward. Extremely simple even if you’ve never laminated anything before. If you follow the instructions you shouldn’t have a problem. I like the minimal button interface. You basically choose the type of lamination you’re using and wait till it beeps. Then you slide in your lamination pouch with whatever you want laminated and let it do its thing. The only thing I really didn’t care for is that the power button was on the lower right back by the power cord.

It heated up super fast. I thought the beep was for when it turned on. I waited a little longer and referred to the instructions to make sure it was the correct beep and I was right. I could hear the gears running for me to slide the pouch in. Once it got started, all I had to do was wait for it to finish. Then it was done!
Very easy to do. I laminated this for my mom since I didn’t anything ready to laminate. The paper was folded before it was laminated so you can see some dips in the plastic for the creases but it smoothed out surprisingly well.
One other downside is that while it heats up quickly, it does not cool down quickly. I’d recommend at least 30 minutes for it to completely cool down before moving it. 

Overall, it’s a great little product if you like to laminate and need a maximum of 12.5 inches wide of laminating space. This would be perfect for small items or larger as long as you have the correct sized pouches.

**Disclaimer: These products were provided by Shoplet and in return for this review I was able to keep the product in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was paid. All Promotional Products, Medical Supplies, Office Supplies, and/or Office Stationary are courtesy of Shoplet.

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