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WIP Progress + April 2018 CampNanoWriMo

(I’m so excited to win a copy of Sightwitch by Susan Dennard during a Clan Chat! That cover is dazzling and the book is signed! Plus everyone can always use a tote bag, I’ll be using this for shopping. ^_~)

I know! An update post on my writing has been long overdue. Apologies!

I’ve been slowly making progress on revisions for my latest WIP, I’ve decided I’m changing the name of the novel but the title is still to be determined. The story has changed and grown more than I expected since I started it. It’s funny, I thought this story would be quick and easy to write but several years later….nope. To be fair, I was busy doing other things and living my life but now that I had time away I am able to be more objective in my revisions but I struggle with identifying how to make it better.

You think it’d be easy to solve the problem and it can be but because my story was so flawed I had to change my protagonist from the beginning which is unexpected but much needed. It wasn’t an easy fix and I’m still not certain it has fixed the problem but I need to keep moving.

As I revised, I found myself unsure and stuck, often second guessing how to solve the issues in the story. Then I realized it was better to skip that section and move on while I had momentum because once I stopped to try to think of a solution to that scene I completely stopped there. That isn’t good. I needed to force myself to keep moving because I could always jump back to it later once I left a note to myself.

I’m also adding to my word count for the story. I knew I was an underwriter but didn’t realize how much more I needed to add to the story so the story will likely be more than 80k words. I’m not sure where I’m at and I don’t think I want to know yet.

All in all, the story is still in revisions. I think I need to re-outline and solve for the problems but I think I’m just going to persevere because I can see myself wasting more time outlining when I should really finish the book.

I find a part of me wants to quit this story but it comes and goes depending on my mood. I guess part of me is dropping it because I keep setting it aside but I always find myself coming back and recommitting to finish it. I’m not sure if it’s sheer determination or what but I still want to and will finish this book! I just hope the next one won’t take me as long. haha

Ok, I think that’s all I have to say for now about my current revision WIP. Now on to my next piece of news!

(Big Burrito for Brunch with a friend at Northstar. I was actually disappointed because I was looking forward to eating something else but apparently brunch lasted till 3 pm. I’m not really a fan of breakfast foods in general so it was a bit of a loss for me but I enjoyed the company. ^_^ )

I’m participating in CampNanoWriMo in April! I really miss being able to write in a community and last year was a blur but I’ve finally found some time and energy to participate once again! I’ve lowered my goal to only 20k for the month and I’ve decided to write short stories.

Ideally I could write 2 short stories in April but one drafted short story would work for me. I will need to be more prepared so I’ll have to have a detailed outline hopefully this time around. I’m not completely sure how long the story will be, it could be longer than I expect so that might make it a novelette. We’ll see how it goes! Wherever my inspiration takes me!

I’ll try to tweet daily about my writing progress on Twitter but I’ll also be doing a weekly blog update on Saturday of my word count and any lessons learned while writing so stick around! But if you’re interested I’ll be posting the full story as I write it, on my Patreon! You’ll see the flaws and mess in all its glory! Please understand it hasn’t been edited at that point but feel free to let me know what you think of the story.

I haven’t decided what my second short story will be but for my first short story it’ll be about Fairy Godparents! Think more like the Fairy Godmother in Shrek as the head of a school for Fairy Godparents in training. *waggles brow* Sound like it’s up your alley? Join my Patreon for only $1 for early access to the story! Thank you for your support!


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