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Vineyard Collage
Supplies Fermentation Fruits You Can Use Plants to Avoid Tasting and Bottling
Wine and Cheese

What we do...

Whether we were traveling abroad or eating at our favorite local restaurant, we enjoyed experiencing a diverse array of wines and determining our own criteria for what made a wine special.

If you plan to make wine from real grapes, you have our admiration and respect. Awe and wonder comes when you send us a bottle.

There is no delaying so be prepared by making friends with someone who has a truck and a flexible schedule.

This simple online guide is intended to provide introductory information to you about winemaking.

As your winemaking experience grows you will undoubtedly wish to continue to research about this fascinating hobby.


Questions to Ask Yourself...

-What are the tools necessary?
-What is the process?
-Do you really smash the grapes like Lucy does?

These are only a few questions you may have. Lets make some wine!! ENJOY

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2007 (c)
Supplies | Fermentation | Fruits you can use | Plants to avoid | Tasting and bottling logo